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Technology neutral

Being technology neutral means not favoring or depending on any specific technology or method. Instead, it focuses on the outcome or goal, allowing different technologies to be used as long as they achieve the desired result.

Textile industry

The textile industry is the sector dedicated to the production, processing, and distribution of fibers, yarn, and fabric. It includes but is not limited to clothing, carpet and flooring. This industry involves various stages: the creation or extraction of raw materials (like cotton or synthetic fibers), the spin into yarn, the weaving or knitting of yarn into fabric, the dye and the finish of the fabric, and eventually, the manufacture into clothing and other textile products.

Tier supplier

A tier supplier is a company that provides materials or components to another company in a supply chain: Tier 1 supplier sells directly to the main manufacturer or brand, Tier 2 supplier provides parts or materials to the Tier 1 supplier, etc. The tier level indicates the position of the supplier in relation to the final product or end customer.


The traceability in the value chain is the ability to track the history and location of a product or its components throughout the entire production process, from raw materials to the final product delivered to the consumer. It involves documenting, recording and verifying each step, allowing greater transparency, quality control, and accountability.


In the context of industry, transparency refers to the practice of openly sharing information and data about processes and practices with stakeholders, including consumers and actors of the supply chain. It may refer to sourcing, manufacturing processes, environmental impact, labor practices, and financial performance. The goal is to build trust, ensure accountability, and enable informed decision-making.