• textil rolls of different colour
    The ECHT Knowledge Platform is a shared knowledge space on the traceability of chemicals in textiles.
    • The ECHT project unites a diverse range of partners from industry, research, and policy-making to compile comprehensive information on the traceability of chemicals in textiles. Choose your role or the area that interests you to enhance your understanding of this complex subject, level up your colleagues' and partners' competencies, via the available courses, and, last but not least, contribute your knowledge and experience.

    • This Wiki contains all current regulations regarding the DPP and tracing chemicals in place in the EU.

    • Dive into the basics to prepare the ground for better handling of chemicals and their tracing.

    • Follow the learning path to find out how to implement traceability in your organisation.

    • Here is what other public and private actors do.

    • Ask your questions and exchange with experts on the topic

    • This glossary includes all technical terms used in the courses and documents on this platform.

Available courses